All Venture Bros. Shirt Club shirts will be shipped via First Class U.S. Mail. Shipping is included in the price of the shirt. A $3.00 (USD) surcharge will be added to international orders. Please allow 3-5 weeks from time of order for delivery.

Shirt Club shirts are non-refundable and we do not accept exchanges (we're seriously too busy making a TV show to deal with all that paperwork). This is why we include a size chart with each t-shirt design, so you can order with confidence. But be advised: American Apparel t-shirts are sized very accurately for a "fitted look." Speaking of those size charts, find the male/unisex size chart here and the female size chart here.

The Venture Bros. Shirt (of the week) Club doesn't want you if you don't want us. So if you unwisely choose to opt out of your subscription, we will grudgingly refund your money minus the FULL REGULAR PRICE ($22/$23 for 2XL) of any shirts you have received up to that point--including the Brock Kodokan Blood Judo shirt, which would otherwise have been yours completely free of charge if you'd just stuck around for the full 13 weeks.

All right, so you're game to subscribe to Shirt Club. You're willing to shell out $250, and you want all 13 shirts--but maybe you want to give some of them away as gifts to your friends who aren't necessarily the same size as you. Simply contact us via email and request a size change for the gift shirt the week it becomes available and you'll receive that week's shirt in the size you want. Your subscription will automatically revert back to your originally requested size with the following shirt the following week.


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